Ad-Tech Coating Solutions - Industrial Coating & Finishing Services

Additional Services:

At Ad-Tech, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional services that help your business succeed. Our team is versatile and can provide a wide array of additional services to meet your needs.

Do you need a unique service that’s not listed on our website? Don’t worry! We would love to hear from you and learn more about your business goals. Our team is always ready to explore new possibilities and help you achieve success.

With Ad-Tech, you can count on our experience, expertise, and commitment to quality. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your business today.

Stripping and Paint Removal Capabilities

industrial oven - paint removal burn off oven stripping

Pickup and Delivery to Milwaukee Metro and Surrounding Areas

Ad-Tech Truck - Pick Up and Delivery
  • EMI/RFI Shielding

  • Warehouse and JIT Kanban services

  • Direct shipping out to your customer

Kitting, Assembly & Custom Packaging

kitting and assembly

At our facility, we offer a range of services to help streamline your assembly and shipping processes. One of our core capabilities is our ability to take coated products and assemble them into ready-to-ship sets or kits. Our experienced team can handle any level of complexity, ensuring that your products are assembled correctly and efficiently.

In addition to our kitting services, we also offer storage and shipping options to help make your logistics even easier. With our storage options, you can rest assured that your products are being stored safely and securely until they are needed. And when the time comes to ship, we can handle the entire process for you, saving you time and hassle.

By pre-assembling your kits, particularly after the coating process, we can help your company save significant time and money. By handling the assembly process in-house, we can ensure that your products are assembled to the highest standards of quality and efficiency. And by shipping from our facility, we can help reduce shipping and handling costs, saving your company even more.

Trust us to handle your coated products, from assembly to shipping, to help you streamline your processes and improve your bottom line.